Fri 30 Nov – Sat 22 Dec 2018 | Every Wed to Sat, 1-6pm
In autumn 2017, Luton Culture commissioned Bedfordshire based photographer Shaun Armstrong to photo document the transformation of its Hat District regeneration project over three years.
The photographs currently captured by Armstrong highlight the bricks, windows and fittings revealed during the restoration of the three historic hat factories in the Hat District. These Walls Tell Stories is an exhibition of these photographs. The exhibition showcases the cultural heart of the town and suggests at the hidden stories and people connected to the hat factories.

Shaun Armstrong is a Bedfordshire-based photographer specialising in documentary and observational photography. His approach is to seek out interesting views and perspectives that capture a moment or situation, working in an unstructured way with natural light.

Hat District Regeneration Project
Luton Culture is developing inspiring creative work, show and share spaces known as the Hat District, across 3 old hat factories and one new development in the town’s conservation area. The Hat District will breathe new life and vibrancy into this area of Luton and protect its hat making heritage for future generations.